29 July 2006

Faking it

Saturday 29July06 3:52pm

There's a blogathon today. Blogging for charity - www.blogathon.org. You post a blog entry every half hour for 24 hours.
I sort of wanted to do it but stopped myself because I didn't believe I'd get any pledges to raise some money for charity.

This morning I decided to do a fake blogathon until I leave the house for the day. I still haven't gone very far but am still posting entries on my other blog Writing2live http://www.angelfire.com/home/writing2live/EY/

It's kind of inspiring to do for a writer because you have to constantly think about things to write about before the next 30 minutes is done. I may have to do it for real next year.

Well, it's about that time...


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